Ottawa has a tar sands mess on its hands

Canadians are becoming familiar with the scale of destruction in the tar sands, something that First Nations of the region have known for some time now.
And people around the world are learning why our country has taken such an obstructionist role on global warming. Canada and the Bush administration stand alone against the rest of the world because with the tar sands we are housing the single most destructive project anywhere on Earth, and the Americans are getting the oil.

Read the entire story here: 

Industry Members Endorse Slowdown on Oil Sands Development of Parts of Athabasca Region

The proposal asked the Alberta government to hold off on creating any new projects within three regions of environmental significance and little oil until January of 2011.
The Sustainable Ecosystem Working Group (SEWG), part of CEMA, is designing a system of land management and will submit it to the Alberta government in June 2008. A moratorium until January 2011, said Hobbs, would allow time for CEMA and the Alberta government to work out the final details of the new system before looking at developing these three regions.

Read the entire story here: