A Nobel cause: Q&A with UM climate guru Steve Running

Last spring, University of Montana ecologist and forestry professor Steve Running presented an abbreviated version of his increasingly popular lecture, “The Inconvenient Truth for Montana,” to a room full of environmental journalists.

Near the end of his keynote, Running outlined what he called his “Five Stages of Climate Grief.” Running’s adaptation of Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ groundbreaking “Five Stages of Grief” starts with stage one: denial that global warming exists. Denial naturally precedes anger: “I do NOT want to change my lifestyle.” Then stage three bargaining sets in: “Warming won’t be that bad.” Things get bad at stage four, depression: “It’s too late, we’re doomed.” But finally, if all goes well, you might get to the fifth and final stage, acceptance: “Okay, it’s real, now let’s get to work.”

Read the entire story here:


Baucus will back bill to cap global warming gases

U. S. Sen. Max Baucus said Wednesday he will back a Senate plan that calls for a cap on global warming gases. Baucus, D-Mont., said he has been working with the bill’s sponsors, Sens. Joe Lieberman and John Warner, to make sure provisions were included to help Montana’s coal industry with new technologies and let Montana farmers sell carbon offsets to industry. The bill ultimately requires power plants and vehicles to reduce their greenhouse gases by 70 percent. It is seen as a compromise that could pass by next year.

Read the entire story here:


Kyoto has ‘failed.’ Scientists call for new climate change policy

It is time for a radical rethink on climate change, says a report in the journal Nature this week.

Echoing sentiments long associated with politicians such as Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President George Bush, the report says it is time to ditch the Kyoto Protocol because the United Nations treaty has “failed.”

Read the entire story here:
