Canada’s submission to UN climate change conference ‘deceitful’: critics

OTTAWA – The Harper government is being accused of misleading the world about the toughness of its plan to force industry to bury greenhouse gas emissions underground.

Opposition parties and environmental groups say a submission made by Canada to a United Nations climate change conference this week in Bangkok is “deceitful” since it suggests the government is imposing immediate reductions in pollution through the deployment of new technology, when in fact, there are no regulations in place.

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Flaws in Canadian climate plan will increase emissions

Harper standards are ‘smoke and mirrors’

Ottawa (31 March 2008) – Major flaws in the federal government’s climate change plan will allow greenhouse gas emissions to grow and lets the polluting oil sands industry off the hook, according to analysis from the Climate Action Network – Canada.

Earlier this month, Environment Canada updated its framework on how it plans to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions created by large industries. The federal government claims new measures in the regulatory framework show it is getting tough on industrial pollution and making the large emission cuts needed to get global warming under control.

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Canadians souring on Alberta oil sands

CALGARY, Alberta, March 25 (UPI) — Half of Canadians want Alberta’s oil sand development slowed over environmental concerns, a poll published Tuesday indicated.

The Environmental Defense group commissioned the poll of 1,014 people March 7-10, and 52 percent said expansion of oil production should not be given federal approval until “environmental management issues are resolved,” compared with 32 percent who said they should be “permitted so as not to curb economic growth,” the Calgary Herald reported.

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